Organic Research in Organic Agriculture

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Organic agricultural research generates credible, peer reviewed scientific information, and communicates the verifiable benefits of organic farming and products to society, creating a greater awareness of and demand for organic products. Organic research supports the exchange of successful techniques among farmers and technicians, and assists in developing appropriate and robust varieties for organic production conditions. Organic research highlights the improved health of the earth and its inhabitants through organic agricultural practices.

Organic Agriculture and Food Security Page

The Organic Center - Publications and peer reviewed articles supporting organic

Organic Farming Research Foundation - To foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems

Organic Research Database- External website requires a subscription to access.

Organic Eprints - Browse-able database of organic research

The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau – FiBL) -the world’s leading information and documentation center for organic agriculture (FiBL Shop)

Organic World Congress organized by IFOAM every 3 years is the biggest meeting point for organic researchers worldwide

IFAD-Thematic Evaluation of Organic Agriculture and Poverty Reducton in Asia China and India Focus .pdf

IFOAM often organizes scientific conferences on specific topics
The conference proceedings are available in the IFOAM Bookstore.

Ecology and Farming - The only International Organic Agriculture Periodical

IFOAM is constantly updating the information on this website. Comments or suggestions contact the Platform Coordinator

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